Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is integral within any Catholic School. Padua College is no different and works purposefully to ensure students’ rights and responsibilities; and a holistic educational context for all students is a part of each student’s daily life. In working across our campuses it is important for Pastoral Care to meet the needs of our students at differing ends of the teenage spectrum. Regardless of age, students require appropriate boundaries linking to College expectations and students’ rights and responsibilities.

Padua College offers a strong Pastoral Care program across Years 7-12 in an environment where young men and women are encouraged to journey in growth together through a wide range of school-based and extra-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to pursue numerous leadership opportunities offered such as Student Leadership; Liturgy Teams, Cross-Age Tutoring; Community Service and Justice Action Groups.

Pastoral Care involves the staff as much as it does the students. Students, staff and parents’ needs are initially supported by a group of 24 dedicated House Co-ordinators who are ably led by the Student Wellbeing & Growth (SWAG) Co-ordinator (Mornington Campus) or Co-Directors of Campus (Rosebud & Tyabb Campuses). The House Co-ordinator Team endeavours to focus their Homeroom Teachers on the House Patron's charism so that social justice is at the forefront of thinking and by doing so a sense of service to others is fostered. The walk and talk of pastoral care are as important (if not more so) than all that goes with it.

Padua College ensures that Child Safety is given the highest priority at all levels of engagement and that the College community is fully aware of and conversant with the College’s policies on Child Safety.

“A fundamental belief for Catholic schools is that in Jesus is seen God’s image and likeness in its human expression and that Jesus’ values and teachings show all people ‘the way, the truth and the life’ (John 14:6). In accordance with this belief, values to be promoted within a Catholic school’s understanding and practice of pastoral care include love, respect, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation, and justice.”

(Catholic Education Office Melbourne Pastoral Care of Students in Catholic Schools P1, 2016)

Padua College

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