Hello all,

Welcome to our first Parish update in the PADUAN, which I am delighted to be included in. I want to say hello to all of you students and parents across the Peninsula and say you are all part of (I believe) the best College in Victoria, if not Australia!

Yes, I am biased, and proudly so.

Did you know there are six Parishes on the Peninsula, whose parishioners have worked to support the College since its establishment in 1898 and continue to do so today, and thus you have the Parish Priest of each of these Parishes known as Canonical Administrators. I am privileged to lead these fine Priests as the President of the Association of Canonical Administrators and I hope in the coming months, each of us can connect more strongly with you, our Parishioners.

Just on that, what is a parishioner?

In the context of the Catholic Church, parishioners are the lay members of the Parish. They partake of the Sacraments and are encouraged to play an active role in the Parish mission, volunteering in many capacities. They are relied upon to support the Parish, as their means permit, and be active in sharing their time and talents, when they can. In essence, active worshippers who regularly attend Mass.

Your faith community (Parish) can and does enrich the lives of all participants. Padua and our Primary schools are arms of the Parish body the Church, with Christ our head.

Father Geoff McIlroy
President of the Association of Canonical Administrators

Padua College

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someone will get back to you soon

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