Stone Curtis



As this is the last time that I address the Padua community before I take up a new position at Emmaus College in 2024, I wish to take this opportunity to focus on the staff who make this campus the remarkable place it is every day.

The teachers who fill the classrooms with their knowledge, wisdom, laughter, and genuine care for each student, I commend for their diligent approach. These attributes and their passion for bringing learning to life, are what make Padua the place it is. The students openly talk about the commitment they have from staff in helping them achieve their best. As parents, you should feel comfortable that all staff at the College know the importance of their role in developing the academic ability and social conscience of your child.

I wish to thank the Pastoral team led by Julie Young, which supports our House Co-ordinators Mona Esmaty, Sharon Marshall, Anthony Barnhoorn, Lance Albrecht, Nathan Bradbury, Julie Barnhoorn, Terry Luppino, Paul Ribet, and the Assistant House Co-ordinators Alanna Castelli, Ciara Roberts, Sam Noonan and the Laura Roberts. Whilst much of their work may not be seen by parents, I am privileged to witness their passion for student wellbeing in ensuring every student is known and supported in all possible ways within their House. For this, I am most thankful, and I know that many parents are too.

To our Learning and Pedagogy team leaders Helen Sugameli and Travis Pearce. Your passion in seeing that each student is afforded the course of their choice highlights that each student is valued. The additional support in SAC and Exam assessments provides equity amongst the cohort and is greatly valued. I know that many parents have appreciated your swift action in supporting them and their children.

Mel Gilchrist in the role of Applied Learning Area Leader has continued the growth of this pathway. With the continued increase in numbers this year and the new pathway offerings in 2024, your forward-thinking and solution-based approach in seeing students succeed is built on the respectful relationships that the team has cultivated over the years. It is so inspiring to see so many of the young adults in this pathway already being employed full-time for their skill set and work ethic that has developed over the years. This combined with your outstanding leadership of the team of teachers, ensuring that the skills of all staff are celebrated and built into the curriculum is seen in living out the North Star for our staff to our students.

I sincerely thank the Careers and Pathway team, Learning Enhancement staff, Senior Administration and the Counselling Services Team for thir ongoing dedication and willingness to work with both students and families in finding positive outcomes in such a professional and discrete manner. Such support continues to make Padua a point of difference in education on the Mornington Peninsula. I thank you for the very specific roles you play in providing the students with the best environment for success at Padua and beyond.

To the Maintenance Team who provide a clean and welcoming environment, I thank you all for your willingness to be flexible in providing the many requests from new learning spaces, fixing hot water issues, all the way through to exam preparations. Your role in providing the right learning atmosphere is greatly appreciated.

To all parents and guardians, I thank you for your support over 2023 and the years before. As always, when we work in partnership, the best outcome for your child is found, and that is what makes Padua an amazing place to work. Even, at times, when a point of difference is found, your willingness to listen and place faith in us as educators is sincerely appreciated. I encourage you as parents to take the time to contact staff prior to the end of this year to thank and acknowledge their efforts over 2023. I know that many of you have already done so as the staff share such stories and support and acknowledgment with me. Such support from parents is more powerful than you could imagine.

Friday 1 December marked the end of the academic year on the 10-12 Campus with the completion of the two-week HeadStart program. This two-week Orientation Program across the campus has afforded all students a full cycle of their subjects of choice in preparation for the 2024 school year. With this extended time with the students, much work was completed and will form a launching pad for next year. In what was such a positive start for all students, we are looking forward to seeing all senior students return on Thursday 1 February 2024.

With the final VCAA exam completed, time will now stand still as we await the ATAR results released on 11 December. I encourage all students awaiting these results to be fully aware of all of their options for the future and to connect with our Careers Team, as needed, once the results have been released. Once again, we wish all students who are waiting nervously for their results all the best if using the ATAR to pursue further study. To the many students who have already started full-time employment, I hope that your time at Padua has prepared you for this new chapter of your life and that you embrace all that of working life.

Finally, I wish all families a restful, peaceful, and Holy Christmas season.

Year 10 & 11 Awards

On Wednesday 22 November, we gathered to acknowledge and congratulate those students who achieved Academic and Principal's Honour Awards Awards, and those who participated and excelled in other school-related endeavours throughout 2023.

Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program

We congratulate Morgan Glanz and Hermione Hodson, high-achieving students who took up the opportunity for academic enrichment and extension offered by the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program.

Monash Scholar Program

The Monash Scholar Program is yet another prestigious program for high-achieving secondary students to provide them with a head start into university life.
Over 2.5 years, the following students have participated in a range of bespoke activities to enhance their learning; explore their career ambitions; define their personal aspirations; and build networks with other high-achieving students. We congratulate: Charlotte Crawford, Alexandra Di Nicolantonio, Lilyana Holder, Bella Markham, Madi Sheard, and Bella Walsh.

ADF Future Innovator Award

The Australian Defence Force is encouraging the next generation of innovators, critical thinkers and problem solvers – bright Australian students who are succeeding in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). We congratulate Emma Welsh, a worthy recipient of the 2023 ADF Future Innovator award.

ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Award

The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership Award recognises students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the school and the broader community and who display strong values, such as doing one’s best, exemplary leadership, respect for others and “mateship”, that are integral to Australian society. Well done to Jake Symes on his nomination.

Deakin Young Influencer Award

The Deakin Young Influencer Award recognises and celebrates Year 11 students whose outstanding contributions are making a difference to their school and local community. Congratulations to this year’s recipient Ella Michie.

North Star Awards

North Star Points recognise the participation of students in all areas of college life. To be awarded the North Star Award these students received the top number of points across a minimum of three of the categories recognising an ability to try their hand at new things and generally get involved and make the most of the opportunity Padua provides. Congratulations to the following students:

  • Fyonn Munro, Year 10
  • Thomas McInnes, Year 10
  • Yasmine McCoy, Year 11
  • Lachie Polinelli, Year 11
Sports Awards

These are awarded to students who have participated in several SIS sports and embodied what it means to play sport at Padua. They are a credit to themselves, their House, and to Padua College.

Year 10 Sportspersons of the Year
Emma May-Konning & Charlie Caldecott

Year 11 Sportspersons of the Year

Candace Walker & Lucas Parrish

Music Awards

The service to music award, is awarded to students who go above and beyond to volunteer their time to serve the Padua community through the Music program. They generously donate their time to support their peers in VCE performances, performing at numerous school events across 3 campuses, participate in more than 4 ensembles and are a role model for younger music students.

Service to Music Year 11
Hudson Maggio
James Riddell
Daisy Thornell

Service to Music Year 10
Brian Robinson
Charlie Strawbridge
Harrison Worth

Senior Vocal Award
The Senior Vocal Award is awarded to a student who regularly supports the vocal program. This person is dedicated to their vocal studies and leads by example. They support other vocalists in exams and encourage all members of the Padua community to sing. Congratulations Amelia Craigie!

Symphonic Winds Award
The Symphonic Winds Award, is awarded to a student who shows musical maturity. They are a mentor to younger students, leading by example and promoting music excellence. They assist, donate and volunteer many hours to symphonic winds, running weekly sectional rehearsals, and assisting with performances across the 3 campuses. Congratulations to Yasmine McCoy.

VM Awards

The VCE-VM Outstanding Achievement Award goes to Matthew Strnger for consistently producing work to a high standard and being incredibly kind and supportive towards his classmates.

Congratulations to Matthew Pound on being awarded the Year 11 VCE-VM SWL Excellence Award. Matthew has found his passion in the sport and recreation industry through his dedication to work placement at a Primary School and School Camp facility, and for being an asset to the organisation.

Amelia Poutney received the Year 11 VCE-VM Perseverance Award. Amelia consistently juggled commitments with the school musical, classwork, work experience and her extensive volunteer work this year. Congratulations Amelia.

2024 Portfolio Captains

After collaborating with our student leaders and empowering student voice, the College has developed a strengthened student leadership model for 2024 and beyond. It has expanded the portfolio roles to encourage student participation and build student advocacy, ultimately to build connection and engagement for all at Padua. We congratulate the following students on their nomination:

Academic Captains
Fin Fowler and Lilyana Holder

Mission Captains
Thomas McInnes and Laura Kemp

Performing Arts Captains
Amelia Poutney and Esme’ Trevaskus

Sports Captains
Candace Walker and Lucas Parrish

Visual Arts Captains
Hannah O’Loghlin and Samara Seeley

Sustainability Captain
Fyonn Munro

Year 10 Drama

The final assessment for Year 10 Drama was to plan and create a performance for Grade 4 students from our local Primary Schools in the style of Children’s Theatre. The performance, titled “ There’s No Place Like Home”, saw Year 10 Drama fracture traditional fairytales with a modern twist, which was thoroughly enjoyed by our younger visiting audience.

Student Photo Permissions
At times, photographs or videos of our students will be published in newsletters, on the school intranet or website, or in our social media. Copies of our Standard Collection Notice and Privacy Policy are available on the College website in the Enrolments section of our Policies page. Please note that consent to use these images in this way, if provided at enrolment, may be withdrawn at any time by contacting our marketing team via email: .
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