Wright Sam 2024

Sam Wright

No Padua Day no play!

This term I’ve, alongside Mr Pat Janes (Assistant Head of 10-12 Campus) have been lucky enough to coach the Yr 10 Boys Football team. It has been an honour to see these young men play with such energy, passion and more importantly pride in the Padua College jumper each week.

Recently the team was scheduled to play in the SIS final against John Paul College, Frankston the day before Padua Day, so the challenge was sent to the team ‘No Padua Day no play”. Padua Day is one of the most significant events in the College calendar and a way we as a college come today as a community, celebrate our foundation and identity and more importantly celebrate pride in our wonderful school.

This was the rationale for the decision, to instil in our group of enthusiastic footballers we are part of a bigger picture and all we do as a community is for their development and growth. It is not a cafeteria that you select what part of the rules, policies or procedures you wish to support and what part you choose not too.

They clearly got the message as everyone was present for the Padua Day (and had a good day) and we won the final the very next day, in a come from behind victory!.

Maybe there is something in this idea of representing the College is a privilege and should be treated as such?

Padua College 8 12 60

  • Defeated

John Paul College 8 7 55

Goal Scorers: 2 – Xavier Barr, Johnny Gallaher 1 – Felix Gargante, Taylor Geer, Seb Jaspers, Hayden Lane

Best Players: Felix Gargante, Fynn Barber, Xavier Barr, Hayden Lane, Brad Ratubili

The Herald Sun Shield finals awaits us in late August!!

Uniform – Feedback Update & Competition Winners

At the beginning of the year we introduced two changes to the unifrom poligy which we to be reviewed in the first semester. These updates are below:

  • Students only need to have their hair tied back if it is a requirement for safety reasons within the classroom setting.
  • Students are permitted to have 2 piercings per ear.

Through this term we have sought feedback on these changes from students, families and staff. The results of which are included below. Given the results of this feeback the decision is to keep the updates until further knowelde. Thankyou to all those parents, staff and students particiapanting in this process.

Parent Feedback – 101 responses

Staff Feedback – 52 responses

Student Feedback – 1876

This term we have also been running a uniform challenge to reward and recognise those students within each homeroom doing the right thing.

Well done to the following homerooms across the campus are:

  • M’ton 10-12: Elizabeth 3 (Charlene Storm)
  • M’ton 7-9: Sebastian 4 (Lauren Rothschild)
  • Rosebud: Terresa 3 McAuley 3 (Daniel Kerwin)
  • Tyabb: Cardijn 3 (Wayne Agg)

Cardijn 1 (Mel Kenyon) will also receive a prize, as although running second at the Tyabb campus they were placed second over all the College for uniform compliance. Well done!

A shout out to Cardijn House (Kelly Sheen) and Sebastian House (Sean Egan) for fully embracing the competition this term. Prizes will be delivered to homerooms over this last week of term.

North Star Awards

It has been a pleasure this week to tally the 12,900 commendations across the campuses to recognise our top achieving students.

The North Star Award recognises those exceptional students who have fully embraced the variety of experience the College has provided to ensure they are on the path to become the best version of themselves.

North Star Points, through student commendations in SIMON recognises the participation and encouragement of students in all areas of college life throughout the school year in the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

We use engagement and connection as the vehicle for students to navigate to their North Star so they are given the opportunity to utilise their God given talents, to strive to be the best they can be so to make a positive impact on the world.

Students that get involved with more activities while at school will build better relationships, develop greater confidence, gain value skills and generally have a greater chance of success once they leave school.

Students are awarded points for their participation in the 7 categories of

  • Academic Achievement
  • Art/Performance Achievement
  • Christian Leadership
  • College Representation
  • Nth Star Commendation
  • School Community Building
  • Sporting Achievement

We are very grateful for our dedicated and hard-working staff that facilitate so many of these wonderful opportunities for our students to get involved and extend themselves.

In each semester we recognise those students with exceptional North Star tallies across a minimum of three categories. Below are those students receiving North Star Awards at the recent Yr 7-9 Awards Assemblies.


Year 7

Raphaela Lieberman

  • 8 Academic awards
  • Liturgy participation at Year 7 Camp
  • Student Leadership
  • Anzac day 2024
  • Supporting Campus Tours
  • Participation in Mass and College song preparation
  • Attendance at College Opening Mass, InterHouse Swimming, Padua Day , Year 7 camp
  • eXcel Upstander Poster competition

Finn Yearsley

  • Academic award
  • Liturgy participation at Year 7 Camp
  • Attendance at College Opening Mass, InterHouse Swimming, Padua Day , Year 7 camp
  • Participation in 4 or more events at the House Swimming Carnival
  • Inter House Cross Country
  • SIS Swimming representation
  • SIS Cross Country & Swim Team
  • Inter-campus Swim Team

Year 8

Monique Lambe

  • 9 Academic awards
  • Maths Extension Excellence
  • Cross Country
  • House Spirit nomination
  • Yr 8 eXcel Day participation
  • Attendance at House Swimming Carnival, Padua Day
  • Peer Mentor activities
  • Friendly assistance to visiting school
  • Participation in 4 or more events at the House Swimming Carnival
  • Junior Girls Netball

Jaime Melis

  • 8 Academic awards
  • Welcome Mass participation Leader McAuley House of Faith
  • Helpers at Year 7 Camp
  • Student Leader & Mission Captain
  • Yr 8 eXcel Day participation
  • Attendance at InterHouse Swimming Carnival, Cross Country, Padua Day,
  • Peer Mentor activities
  • Friendly assistance to visiting school
  • Padua Day - McAuley Leadership
  • Participation in 4 or more events at the House Swimming Carnival
  • Junior Girls Netball

Henry Miller-Heinze

  • 5 academic awards
  • SIS Music 2024
  • Student Leader
  • Campus Tour
  • Participation in Mass and College song preparation
  • Attendance at InterHouse Swimming Carnival, eXcel Day
  • School tour leader
  • Swimming Sports Commendation
  • Inter House Cross Country

Year 9

Jemma Ingram

  • 8 Academic awards
  • Yr 9 Helpers at Year 7 Camp
  • House Captain
  • Helper for Campus Tour
  • Great perseverance on Aspire9 Bushwalk
  • Year 6 Orientation Day Helpers
  • Attendance at College Opening Mass, InterHouse Swimming Carnival, Padua Day
  • SIS Volleyball, Intermediate Football
  • Participation in 4 or more events at the House Swimming Carnival
  • SIS Swimming representation
  • SIS Swim Team
  • State School Aerobics competition
  • Inter-campus Swim Team
  • School Aerobics competition Regional & State competitions

Rosie McInnes

  • 7 Academic awards
  • St Patrick's Cathedral Catholic Education Week Mass representative
  • Time and Space student leader March 25 session
  • Padua Day Mass helper
  • Yr 9 Helpers at Year 7 Camp
  • Student Leadership & Mission Captain
  • ANZAC Day College Representation
  • Volunteering for the Yr 7 Welcome evening
  • Attendance at College Opening Mass, InterHouse Swimming Carnival, Padua Day
  • Volunteer Sorrento Writer's Festival
  • Koala Sanctuary planning volunteer
  • Volunteer for Gala performance evening
  • Supporting Campus Tours
  • Respectful Relationship team member
  • Volunteer Little Joey's Playgroup
  • College representative Mornington Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)
  • SIS Volleyball
  • Member of Padua girls’ golf program

Rohan Larkins

  • 8 Academic awards
  • Goold House Mass helper
  • Student Leader & House Captain
  • Yr 9 Helpers at Year 7 Camp
  • School Tour helper
  • Leadership at House Mass
  • Attendance at InterHouse Swimming Carnival, Padua Day
  • Participation in 4 or more events at the House Swimming Carnival
  • SIS Swimming representation
  • SIS Swim Team & SIS Football
  • Inter-campus Swim Team


Year 7

Luella De Vere

  • 8 Academic awards
  • Helped at the Liturgy on Year 7 Camp
  • Student Leader
  • Excellent work ethic in class
  • Attendance at Yr 7 Camp, Inter House Swimming, College Opening Mass, Padua Day
  • Participant in the Girls Life Skill Program
  • Tree Planting Day
  • Written contributions to the Paduan newsletter

Scarlette Walsh

  • 6 Academic awards
  • Member of the SIS Theatre Sports
  • Helped at the Liturgy on Year 7 Camp
  • A number of House Spirit nominations
  • Education Perfect Championship
  • Attendance at Yr 7 Camp, Inter House Swimming, Padua Day
  • Reading at the tree planting ceremony
  • SIS Cross Country Camp

Sampson Miall

  • 2 Academic awards
  • Tyabb campus rep at the Opening College Mass
  • Helped at the Liturgy on Year 7 Camp
  • Flag Duty
  • House Spirit nomination for helping another student
  • Integrity Dignity and Respect nomination
  • Attendance at Yr 7 Camp, Inter House Swimming, Opening Mass, Padua Day
  • Reading at the tree planting ceremony
  • Competing in the Intercampus Time Trials
  • SIS Swimming representation
  • Boys State Netball Try-Outs
  • SIS Cross Country

Year 8

Sunni Cafici

  • 9 Academic awards
  • Participant in the World Day of Prayer & Padua Day Mass
  • Representation of College at St Pat's School Mass
  • Student Leader & Mission captain
  • A number of House Spirit nominations
  • Participating in an optional maths task
  • Assisting with the Mother's Day lunch time activity
  • Attendance at Inter House Swimming, Yr 8 eXcel Day, Padua Day
  • Peer Mentor and SRC Training Day
  • SIS Girls Year 8 Netball Team
  • Inter-Campus Cross Country

Kalani Love

  • 8 Academic awards
  • Student Leader & Academic captain
  • House Spirit
  • Assisting in school tours
  • Writing contributions to the Paduan newsletter
  • Yr 8 eXcel Day participation
  • Attendance at Inter House Swimming, Yr 8 eXcel Day, Padua Day, Cross Country
  • Peer Mentor and SRC Training Day
  • Running Club
  • Competing in the Intercampus Time Trials
  • SIS Swimming training and representation
  • Inter-Campus & SIS Cross Country
  • SIS Cross Country Camp
  • SIS Year 8 Girls Netball Team
  • Year 7-9 Girls State Netball Try Outs

Rob Ammann

  • 2 Academic awards
  • Participant at the Opening College Mass and Padua Day Mass
  • Participant in World Day of Prayer
  • Representation of College at St Pat's School Mass
  • Student Leader & Mission Captain
  • Participant in World Day of Prayer ecumenical service
  • Writing contributions to the Paduan
  • Attendance at Inter House Swimming, Padua Day, Yr 8 eXcel Day
  • Peer Mentor and SRC Training Day
  • Supporting transition visits

Year 9

Lara Blease

  • 8 Academic awards
  • North Star nominations for kindness, House spirit and homework effort
  • Student Leader & Sport captain
  • Attendance at Inter House Swimming, Opening Mass, Padua Day
  • Writing contributed to the Paduan newsletter
  • SIS Volleyball & Football
  • Inter-Campus Cross Country

Eden Huddy

  • 4 Academic awards and maths award
  • Rotary Mock Interview Volunteer
  • SIS Music performance & Guitar club
  • Student Leader & Academic & House Captain
  • World Day of Prayer ecumenical service helper
  • Entry into the Premier's Spirit of ANZAC Prize
  • Helper at Yr 7 Orientation Camp and info evening
  • Attendance at College Opening Mass, Swimming Carnival, Padua Day
  • Peer Mentor and SRC Training Day
  • Writing contribution to the Paduan newsletter
  • Respectful Relationship team member
  • SIS Indoor Cricket
  • Inter-Campus Cross Country

Lachlan Jackson

  • 7 Academic awards
  • Rotary Mock Interview Volunteer
  • Student Leader & House Captain
  • World Day of Prayer ecumenical service helper
  • ANZAC Day Dawn Service
  • House Spirit Award for behaviour on camp
  • Helper at Yr 7 Orientation Camp
  • Attendance at Inter House Swimming, Opening Mass, Padua Day
  • Peer Mentor and SRC Training Day
  • Writing contributions to the Paduan
  • SIS Cricket & Football
  • Boys State Netball Try-Outs


Year 7

Georgie Charlton

  • 8 academic awards,
  • Liturgy participation at Year 7 Camp,
  • Education Perfect Championship
  • Attendance at House Swimming Sports, Yr 7 camp, Padua Day
  • Regional School Aerobics Competition
  • State School Aerobics competition

Patrick Ryan

  • 8 Academic awards
  • Yr 7 Camp Liturgy Participation
  • Liturgy participation at Year 7 Camp
  • Active participation in Chisholm House Liturgy
  • ANZAC Day leaders Mornington RSL
  • Nth Star Commendation
  • Education Perfect Championship
  • Attendance at House Swimming, Opening Mass, Year 7 Camp, Padua Day
  • Participation in 4 or more events at House Swimming

Year 8

Faith Passmore

  • 7 Academic awards
  • School Leader
  • Dorothea Mackellar Poetry entry
  • Education Perfect Championship
  • Attendance at House Swimming Sports, Padua Day
  • Sustainability - Padua clean up group participation
  • Friendly assistance to visiting school
  • eXcel Upstander Poster competition
  • Participation in 4 or more events at House Swimming
  • SIS Swimming representation
  • Cross Country Training

Gracie Williams

  • 8 Academic Awards
  • Performance at Music On The Lawn
  • Helping Sound at VCE/VET Showcase
  • Backstage Support at VCE/VET Gala, Semester 1 Gala
  • Gala Performance Semester 1 2024
  • School Leader
  • ANZAC Day leaders Mornington
  • Education Perfect Championship
  • Attendance at House Swimming Sports, Padua Day
  • Sustainability - Padua clean up group participation
  • Friendly assistance to visiting school
  • eXcel Upstander Poster competition
  • Respectful Relationship team member

Rafael Luppino

  • 6 Academic awards
  • School Leader
  • ANZAC Day leaders Mornington RSL
  • Supporting College tours
  • Excellent work ethic
  • Star of the Week in Religious Education - Semester 1
  • Attendance at House Swimming Sports, Padua Day
  • School Community Building
  • Friendly assistance to visiting school
  • VCC Boys Basketball
  • Cross Country Training

Lincon Pingiaro

  • 9 Academic awards
  • SIS Music Festival & Gala Performance
  • School Leader
  • Assisting with school tours and orientation visits
  • Positive Contribution to Class Culture
  • Attendance at Swimming Sports, Padua Day
  • Helping run a House staff on Padua Day
  • Inter-House Cross Country participation
  • Term 2 SIS Sport – Soccer

Year 9

Logan Shelley

  • 9 Academic awards
  • Catholic Schools Shared Stories Competition
  • Helpings at the liturgy Yr 7 Camp
  • Beginning of Year School Mass
  • Assisting with a school tours
  • House Captain
  • ANZAC Day leaders Mornington
  • Attendance at House Swimming Sports, Padua Day,
  • eXcel Upstander Poster competition
  • Reconciliation Week eXcel presentation to the school
  • Helping run a House staff on Padua Day
  • Respectful Relationship team member
  • Year 9 Leader on Year 7 school camp
  • Participation in 4 or more events at House Swimming
  • Term 1 SIS Sport - Handball
  • SIS Swimming representation
  • Inter-House Cross Country participation
  • Term 2 SIS Sport – Indoor Cricket

Millie Smith

  • 7 Academic awards
  • Time and Space student leader
  • Peer Mentor and School Leader
  • Active participation in Chisholm House Liturgy
  • ANZAC Day leaders Mornington
  • Assisting with school tour
  • Attendance at House Swimming Sports, College Opening Mass, Padua Day
  • Time and Space Parent Evening Leader
  • Sustainability - Padua clean up group participation
  • Reconciliation Week eXcel presentation to the school
  • Respectful Relationship team member
  • Participation in 4 or more events at House Swimming
  • Inter-House Cross Country participation
  • Cross Country Training

Cooper Hall

  • 5 Academic awards
  • Semester 1 Music Program
  • Year 8 Drama Club
  • Performance at Music On The Lawn
  • Gala Performance Semester 1 2024
  • Ministry in an Aged Care Facility
  • Time and Space student leader March 25 session
  • Peer Mentor & School Leader
  • Entry into the Premier's Spirit of ANZAC Prize
  • Attendance at House Swimming Sports, Padua Day
  • Respectful Relationship team member
  • Term 1 SIS Sport – Netball
  • Inter-House Cross Country participation

Lachlan Turnham

  • 7 academic awards
  • Year 8 Drama Club
  • Performance at Music On The Lawn
  • Gala Performance Semester 1 2024
  • Semester 1 Music Program
  • Time and Space student leader March 25 session
  • Peer Mentor & School Leader
  • Education Perfect Championship
  • Attendance at House Swimming Sports, Padua Day
  • Time and Space Parent Evening Leader
  • Sustainability - Padua clean up group participation
  • Inter-House Cross Country participation
  • Term 2 SIS Sport – Netball
Padua College

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