Dear Parents, Guardians & Students,

Mc Gurn Kelly

Kelly McGurn

Principal Kelly McGurn

I start this issue of The Paduan with an expression of gratitude to students and staff for the manner in which they have embraced the many opportunities to engage in school life that have been available throughout Term 2. As always, much has taken place at Padua College and I am delighted to share a few of these in this edition.

Padua Day

What a wonderful celebration we had last week for Padua Day. This was a full day of activities with students engaging in a carnival-like afternoon that followed Mass, all celebrated at the Mornington Campus.

I am delighted to announce that over $1,500 was raised on the day from the Lolly Shop and the recycled can drive, all of which will be donated to Vinnies. My thanks to the team of staff who worked tirelessly to make Padua Day such a success: Mr Matt Williams, Ms Cathy Moloney, Ms Emma Pangrazio, Mission Identity Team, Heads of Campus and Campus Co-ordinators, Maintenance Team, House Co-ordinators and our IT Team.

Read more about Padua Day here.

Exams, GAT, and Commencement of Semester 2

Year 10 and 11 students have completed their mid-year exams and are to be commended for the manner in which they undertook these examinations which are an important preparation as they head towards Year 12.

Last Tuesday 18 June all Year 12 and Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3&4 subject, sat the General Achievement Test (GAT). This test was set by the VCAA and undertaken by approximately 450 students at Padua College. The organisation involved was significant and I thank Ms Caroline Jeremiah, Mrs Helen Sugameli, Mrs Ciara Roberts, Ms Kate McLoughlin, Ms Lauren Cameron, Mrs Kirsty Cameron, Ms Angie Ranson, along with Chief Exam Supervisors Ms Rebecca Steward and Ms Carmel Moore, the Maintenance Team and IT Team for all their efforts in ensuring the success of the running of this test.

We commenced Semester Two on Monday 17 June two weeks prior to the June school holidays, a period which has also seen the introduction of our trial change to break times which we will review and seek feedback on throughout Term Three. From the commencement of Term Three, a number of buses will be changing their schedule to depart earlier at the end of the day in line with our trial finish time of 3pm. Those families impacted by these changes will receive communication regarding this.

SIS Cross Country

Following the success at the SIS Swimming Carnival earlier this term, Padua College has again been successful at the SIS competition winning cross country carnival convincingly! I congratulate all members of the team and thank those staff involved in training and on the day of the competition: Mr Terry Luppino, Mr Luke Tyrell, Ms Jen de Longville, Mr Ken Yeuong, Mrs Nicole Love, Mr Luke Morgan, Ms Holly Debnam, Ms Rochelle Bradbury, Ms Annie Marie Furness, Mrs Bernadette Marshall and Mrs Sarah Jeffs.

Aerobics Teams

Congratulations to all our aerobics teams who competed at Rowville on 1 June. Both the Mornington Junior and Senior Teams, as well as the Rosebud Team, made it through to the National Championship in Adelaide in August.

Unfortunately, our Mornington Junior mixed Year 7 & 8 Team was not able to proceed to the next round but performed beautifully on the day and we congratulate them for making it to State level. My thanks to all coaches, including: Mrs Rachel McIvor, Mrs Tiffany Hagart, Paige McIvor (Y12), Mrs Cassie Collier, Lucy Seletto (Y12), Lily Taylor (Y12), Mrs Tashara Bampton, Ms Jessie Young and Laura Howard (Y9).

For more please see our Sports Report

Music Gala & VCE Music Performance

On Thursday 30 May the Mornington Campus Music students performed in their Music Gala. Some of these students have only been playing their instruments since the beginning of the year, while other senior students have been playing solo or in a band for a number of years. This was preceded by the VCE Music Performance Night on Wednesday 29 May where our VCE Music Performance students had an opportunity to present their work to an audience.

My thanks to those staff involved in these evenings, including: Mrs Kim Thomsen, Mrs Jodie Williams, Mr Nathan Bentley, Mrs Stacey Brown, Mr Mike Arthur, Mrs Cassie Collier along with instrumental music teachers: Mr Dave Tohill, Mrs Tania Edwards, Mr Duane Manning, Ms Jackie Sannia, Mr Jason Rodi, Ms Rowena Young, Mr Simon Best, Ms Gabrielle Parker, Mrs Samantha Clough and Mr Jamie Gimma.

For more about these events please see our Music Report


Earlier this week, on Wednesday 26 June, we held our annual ECAT (Education, Careers & Training Expo) evening at the Mornington Campus. This event was once again a very well attended by parents and students from Year 9 – 12 as they prepare for 2025 subject selections and investigate post-secondary schooling options. Representatives from Universities, TAFE Colleges, Private Colleges and Gap Year Programs, as well as employment organisations offering apprenticeship and traineeship options, were present along with staff from all faculties offering courses in the senior school who were available to talk to families about subject offerings and pathways. More in our Careers Report.

Koala Tree Planting

We had a wonderful day at the Tyabb Campus on Saturday 25 May working with the Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation group on their Koala Habitat Project. 1000 trees were planted in record time with many members of the community visiting the campus to assist with this project.


We have recently welcomed the following staff to the College:

Josh Mulder as eLearning & Library Information Officer

Rob Hoystead as Lab Technician at the Rosebud and Mornington Campus (replacing Eva Wawrzynczak who commenced a period of Maternity Leave recently)

Eryka Rhodes as a casual Counsellor

Sally Hicks as Music Administration Assistant (M)

Kati Sharpe as Library Assistant (M) (replacing Kate Pizzoferrato as she takes Parental Leave)

Paul Egan as Library Assistant (M) and (R)

Ethan Harkins as English teacher (M)

Kathleen Selek as Italian and English teacher (R)

Carmela Theobald as Languages Learning Leader and Italian and Maths teacher (T)

Jayden Tomkins as Physical Education, Religious Education and Aspire9 Teacher (T)

Rachael Tharle as Science, Ag Hort and Humanities teacher (M)

James Graham (M) as English, HPE and Applied Learning teacher

I extend my best wishes to staff who have left the College recently or are finishing at the end of this term:

Jane Keating (Learning Enhancement Administrator)

Kim Thomsen (M) Director of Music (finishing early Term 3)

Kelscha Hutchison (M)

Patrick Lim (M)

Lucy Clapham (M)

Nicole Murcott (M)

Next term we welcome back the following staff returning from leave:

Patty Grigoriadis (M)

Lauren Cameron (M)

Emma Cheers (M)

Janine Cox (R)

Marian Crawford (M)

Romain Gannon (M)

Ryan Gingell (T)

Caroline Heazlewood (M)

Michael Hoye (M)

Stewart Irving (M)

Jim Palmer (M)

Sharon Ryan (transferring from R to M)

Lyndon Savio (M)

Fiona Sedick (M)

Emma Smith (M)

Lisa Stageman (M)

Anna Whittaker (M)

Jane-Anne Whitten (M)

Lisa Yugovic (T)

I extend my best wishes to those staff members commencing periods of leave from the commencement of Term Three:

Tania Anthony (M) (last week of Term 2 and first week of Term 3)

Jean-Paul Antoine (M)

Mike Arthur (M)

Sarah Bailey (T)

Greg Bradbury (M)

Georga Bryant (M) (last two weeks of Term 2 and first two weeks of Term 3)

Anita Carter (M)

Sean Chappell (R) (last week of Term 2 and first week of Term 3)

Sharon Clayton (R)

Bree Colcott (T) (last week of Term 2 and first week of Term 3)

Megan De Lange (M)

Jo Goldsmid (R)

Wendy Holland (M)

Cathy Moloney (M)

Chiara Pardini (M)

Travis Pearce (M)

Olivia Seal (M)

Helen Sugameli (M)

Tahlia Wilkinson (T)


Congratulations to Josh Probyn-Smith (M) and his wife Emily on the arrival of baby Summer in early Term Two.

Congratulations also to Mairead Johnson (M) and her husband Andrew on the safe arrival of baby Sadhbh earlier this term, all are doing well.

Congratulations to that Dylan Logan (M) and his wife Ssuchia who welcomed baby Brea Liu Logan last month, born in Taiwan. Congratulations also to grandmother Mary Logan (R).

Congratulations to Eva Wawrzynczak (M & R Lab Tech) and partner Ryan, on the safe arrival of baby Louise Stephanie.


I extend my condolences to Ian Mohr (M) on the passing of his mother, Rosemary, earlier this term. A number of families in our College community are mourning the recent passing of family members and we keep all these families in our prayers at this time, may they rest in peace.

Staff Professional Learning Day and Progress Reporting

Term Three will commence with professional learning days for staff on Monday 15 July and Tuesday 16 July with students returning for classes on Wednesday 17 July While we would not usually commence the term with two professional learning days, we have the opportunity to engage with a visiting overseas presenter, Dr Ernesto Valiente, work with our staff on 16 July. This day will replace the professional learning day we usually schedule in August.

Peace and blessings.

Also in thisEdition
Padua College

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