Clough Julie



Career Conversations

The focus this term has been on Career Conversations and the Careers team has visited both the Tyabb and the Rosebud Campuses to chat with Year 9 students.

The focus of the conversations was subject selection and encouraging students to try new subjects that they may not have tried or participated in before.

Subject selection will begin in Week Two of Term Three. Please see the Curriculum Handbooks for further details on subject areas here: Subject Slection


The annual Padua College ECaT Expo on Wedensday provided students and parents with the opportunity to speak to representatives from Universities, TAFE Colleges, Private Colleges and Gap Year Programs, and employment organisations offering apprenticeship and traineeship options.

The College Subject Information Evening is held each year to allow families to explore and discuss subject offerings 2025 and pathways in senior school (including VCE, VCE VM and VET) with teachers and Heads of Learning Areas.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and a special thank you goes to our dedicated staff and exhibitors for making this event informative and successful.

WHAT IS VET – Vocational Education and Training

VET is a nationally accredited program of industry-based training courses which can be included as part of Year 10, VCE, VCE Vocational Major Studies (VCE VM) or Vocational Pathways Certificate (VPC), or it can form the basis of a school-based apprenticeship/traineeship. VET programs are integral to the curriculum at Padua College and very popular with over 300 students each year.

VET programs are delivered at Padua College or an external Registered Training Organisations (RTO) such as another school or a TAFE provider. Classroom training is combined with practical and simulated experiences, and Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) (not mandatory for all subject areas). Classes are either run one day per week (usually Wednesday or Friday) or are scheduled in the timetable here at Padua College.


Direct Credit towards the ATAR: selected VCE VET programs offer scored assessment (study scores) for Units 3 and 4 in the same way all VCE studies do and include an end-of-year exam and study score.

Block Credit towards the ATAR: a contribution of 10% of the lowest subject score as a fifth or sixth subject.

Credit towards the VCE VM and VPC: 180 nominal hours’ worth of completed units of competency/modules from a Certificate II qualification or higher will provide two credits towards a VCE VM or VPC program.

Please refer to the college handbook for all of the VET courses available or head to the careers and VET office in the UFC building.

Careers Week

In May we highlighted Careers Week at Padua College, an exciting opportunity to provide our students with exposure to valuable insights from industry professionals. Padua alumni and representatives from several fields, including engineering, physiotherapy, law, the navy, and accounting, shared their career journeys in a series of lunchtime talks.

Students were able to explore diverse career paths through the realm of virtual reality, while the MAS National Tradie Trailer enlightened students about tools, trades, and apprenticeships. Students also had the opportunity to learn about the VET pathways available at Padua College, including VET Animal Studies.

Our thanks to Nicole Corteza (Class of 2017) Graduate Civil Engineer at ARUP, Hugo Markovski (Class of 2020) Engineering Student at Monash University, Jarrod Phillips (Class of 2006) Physiotherapist, Andrew Van de Beek and Christina Houndalas (Accountants), and Joshua Jones (Entrepreneur), and Madison, Cinead and Grace from the Australian Defence Force for taking the time to speak with our students.

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