Dear Parents and Guardians,

Lunny Tina 2022



Welcome back to Term 2!

At the time of writing, our Year 9s have just commenced the first of their Focus Weeks and, with only a couple of weeks into Term 3, there continue to be many activities underway, as the following students' accounts attest in the articles below.

Farewell Mr Nisbet

Last week we farewelled Tyabb Campus Co-Director Mr Nisbet, following his appointment as Deputy Principal – Wellbeing Partnerships & Safety at Marist-Sion College, Warragul. Mr Nisbet’s passion for teaching and learning and student wellbeing is infectious, and, during his nearly 18 months as Co-Director, his unwavering commitment to the well-being and safety of our students has been a cornerstone of his time here at the Tyabb Campus.

Whilst we are sad to see him go, we are also incredibly proud of this exciting new opportunity that awaits him and his family and I want to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for everything he has done for our school.

Good luck and God bless Mr Nisbet!


A reminder to parents and students alike, that the official changeover day for the Winter uniform was Wednesday 1 May. Any student wearing pants/shorts must wear a school tie from this date and the summer dress should no longer be worn. I encourage you to refer to the school uniform policy and/or communications sent home last week, if you require further clarification.


As we enter the cooler months you may have your child/ren wanting to arrive to school later and/or leave early. As tempting as this can be, this does have an impact on your child’s learning. An interesting statistic is that 90% attendance equates to 1 full day off a cycle. Unless there is a medical reason, I encourage you to not be swayed into collecting your child prior to the official finishing times. If you are experiencing difficulties, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher.

Save the Date: Koala Habitat Tree Planting Day

On Saturday 25 May, between 10am and 2pm, you are invited to help Padua College protect the Peninsula’s koalas, by planting an indigenous tree. Come join the fun, have a sausage and help create a safe habitat for these beautiful creatures. Register your interest here

SRC Update

This term the SRC team is going to be very busy with all our portfolio projects. Our Academic leaders are starting a debating workshop that all year levels can attend; you do not need to have any experience to be able to attend these workshops. If anyone is interested, I highly encourage you to go and get involved.

At lunchtime throughout the week there will be a guitar club, drama club and SIS theatre sports and all students are welcome. During the weeks of this term, we will also be having TVA which is a sport that students can sign up for and you play in the gym at lunchtime giving those involved an opportunity to socialise and make new friends in different year levels. This term we are doing volleyball starting after Year 9 Camp.

Finally, we are making a koala sanctuary at the back of our school to protect this endangered species and we are starting by raising awareness around the school. Our sustainability leaders are creating posters and cutouts around the school to spread the news and inform people.

Amelia Lee

Tyabb House Cross Country Carnival

The cross country carnival at Tyabb Padua was a great success! It was amazing to see so many students trying their best and giving it their all! Students cheering on others, encouraging friends and most importantly having fun is what cross country is all about! All the students that came in the top 10 in their race will go on to compete in interhouse cross country in Week 4. Good luck!

Lara Blease

Liverpool Launch

Myself and three other students from the Tyabb Campus went to Mornington for the launch of the Liverpool Soccer Academy. When we arrived, we changed into our Liverpool kits and the coaches showed us a video of our role models (Trent Alexander-Arnold and Missy Bo Kearns). Straight after that we had an assembly. The Principal spoke and surprised the audience with two special guests; they invited a retired Matilda player Elise Kellond-Knight and Professional Jockey and past Padua student Jake Noonan. They both had some very good advice on perseverance and told us some funny stories.

After the assembly, all of the players made their way to the pitch where our instructors Mr. McMelon and Kevin led us in drills, and games and taught us some very important skills. We had a rest then we played a game of soccer. Everyone gave it their best shot and it was a tie. It was a super fun experience and I guarantee we all learned something new and those values we can use in our daily lives.

Mia Mercuri

Leadership Training Day

On 18 April, about 25 other student leaders and I had the opportunity to learn about the things that being a leader requires. We had welcomed two visitors, Scott and Sally - they came to Padua Tyabb and showed us some cool games that made us all think and work together.

My top picks were evolution because you get to mix with everyone, and it gives everyone a turn to get involved, as well as the head and catch game because it really tested your focus. They demonstrated the importance of equality, caring for others around you, encouraging people to try their best and direction so that other people don't feel embarrassed or shy to participate.

At the end of the day, I think we all walked away having far more knowledge than what we did when we arrived.

Drew Hodgson


ANZAC Day Liturgy

On Tuesday 23 April, Padua Tyabb gathered to remember the great fighting that took place on the Gallipoli Peninsula on 25 April 1915. We honoured the ANZAC’s who fought for our country almost 109 years ago. We had a special presentation by Mr Gingell (Doyle House Co-ordinator) who spoke to us about the history of the fighting on the Gallipoli Peninsula. We also had the mission leaders as well as some of the other leaders for our school do readings for our liturgy. We thank Ms Wilkinson for organising this gathering and her hard work towards making this liturgy happen.

ANZAC Day Service

On Thursday 25 April, Padua Tyabb had some of our student leaders attend the dawn service at the Tyabb Cenotaph. We paid our respects to those who lost their lives in war. It was a very moving experience and makes you realise just how lucky we are to be Australian. Thank you to Ms Wilkinson for enabling us to participate in this wonderful event.

Holly Modderkolk

Spirit of Anzac Prize

By Eden Huddy, Year 9

The Spirit of ANZAC Prize is an annual competition for all students in Victoria grades 9 - 12. This year the prompt was in honour of Australians who have served in war and peacekeeping, exploring the significance of either Victoria's Shrine of Remembrance or a local war monument. Twelve winners will be chosen to go on a fully funded study tour which will happen during the September holidays. This is a copy of my entry:

Tyabb War Memorial: The Silent Heroes of war

The Tyabb War Memorial

War memorials stand as timeless symbols of remembrance, commemorating the sacrifices made by not just the soldiers on the memorial but the names it fails to mention. War memorials allow us to forever remember the sacrifices of people who could have been forgotten.

The Tyabb War Memorial was designed by the Tyabb Memorial Committee, it recognises and acknowledges the sacrifices made by the men who fought in war. The committee, whose members remain unknown today, decided on an obelisk that stands at the entrance of the main gates of the Tyabb Park. This obelisk is at a height of 14ft or 4.2672m tall. Funding the monument was done by ‘voluntary conscription’ allowing people to donate as much or as little as they wanted.

There was a big discussion on whose names were to go on the monument as they were limited by money, but also some families didn’t want their name on the monument. Eventually they decided on the 58 names on that memorial. After months of design and building, the Tyabb War Memorial was opened on the 12th of December 1920 by Brigadier-General H. E. Elliott.

While war memorials are important ways to acknowledge the soldiers, they fail to include a key service in war - the nurses. The Tyabb War Memorial is an amazing tribute to all the brave soldiers who fought in WW1 and all the sacrifices they made for our country. It is so important that everyone should be acknowledged for their dedication and sacrifices made in war. Which is why separate memorials should be designed for the nurses.

The Nurses

Despite their crucial role in war, nurses received low pay, and even less recognition for their work. Over 2861 courageous women served as nurses overseas during WW1. 25 of those nurses died. These women lost their lives caring for soldiers, some caught the diseases that they were treating, others died of starvation, dehydration or exhaustion.

Soldiers were paid a minimum of 6 shillings per day, while the nurses were paid 3 shillings or less. Neither of these amounted to a living wage, they are the equivalent today of $25.83 per day for soldiers, and $12.93 for nurses.

As the ANZAC Portal stated “women were often paid so low that they had to get financial support from family members while serving.”

Nurses would often go on the front line to help retrieve the wounded soldiers. They did this with very little protection and no recognition. The brave women who sacrificed so much deserve to be remembered for their service to their country.

Clara Louisa Ross was born on French Island, Victoria, and her birth was officially registered in Tyabb in 1874. She was born to loving parents, Alexander Ross and Margret Coleman. Clara was the third born of four children (two boys, two girls). They all grew up in Tyabb where little is known about their childhood.

She later settled in Flinders at 108 Flinders Lane, and this was where she decided to pursue nursing as a career. She started her career at the Melbourne Hospital where she attained the Melbourne Hospital Certificate in 1902 and subsequently in 1904, the Royal Victorian Trained Nurses Association (RVTNA) requirements.

Her relentless pursuit of knowledge and commitment to training made her an amazing nurse, and shows her dedication to healthcare. She clearly was an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have her treating them. But her achievements didn’t end there; in 1908 she completed the Matron's Certificate. She then became Matron at the Ararat Hospital around 250 km from Tyabb. She was Matron at that hospital for 5 years demonstrating her leadership abilities and knowledge in health care, until she resigned to care for her brother's wife who became sick, and died a few months after Clara’s return. With this act of selflessness she sacrificed her career to take care of family.

Clara was an extremely career oriented woman, she wasn’t dating anyone, never married or had children, but she did have an amazing job which she was very qualified to do. Most women from the late 1800 to early 1900 were expected to be married around the age of 20 - 22 but Clara was no ordinary woman.

Women had to be either single or widowed to be a war nurse, even if a highly skilled nurse got married during the war she would no longer be able to serve. This is likely due to the fact that most women around that time were expected to be housewives and they wanted them to take care of the home, and children, they shared with her husband.

Clara was a highly experienced nurse when, at 40 years old, she enlisted to be a war nurse in late 1914. She left Australia on the ‘Kyarra’ with 160 other nurses, each sacrificing the comfort and safety of home to save lives overseas.

They arrived in Egypt on the 20th of January 1915. Clara was assigned to the 1st Australian General Hospital (1AGH) which was set up in the Heliopolis Palace Hotel in Abbassia.

In early 1916 the 1AGH prepared to pack up and move to Rouen in northern France, and Clara was assigned to be a matron at the Ras el Tin convalescent hospital in Alexandria. She worked there for a few months until she went on leave in July and when she came back she re-joined the 1AGH in Rouen.

By the end of January in 1917 she was transferred to the 3AGH located in Brighton England as they were preparing to move to France. She spent several months in Brighton then moved back to France with the 3AGH in Abbeville. Then she was transferred back to England in July where she was assigned the Temporary Matron of 2nd Australian Auxiliary Hospital.

She stayed in England for the rest of the war but transferred between the 1AAH, 2AAH and 3AAH. In November 1917, she was made Matron of the 1AAH where she remained for the duration of the war.

It is likely that she was transferred around a lot because of her experience as a nurse, and her leadership abilities. Nurse shortages were a common problem throughout the war, and Clara’s knowledge and experience would have been an asset wherever she was posted.

After the war on the 27th of November, 1918, she was awarded with the Royal Red Cross Award and on the 20th of March, 1920, the Officer of the Order of the British Award.

Although Nurses were not living in damp trenches or next to an active battlefield, it still wasn't ideal. Some of them were living in flimsy tents that kept very little heat in, and with strong winds it felt like the tent walls would blow away. Others lived in overcrowded rooms with beds almost touching one another, with no heating and one blanket in horrible winters.

They also got minimal sleep as they had to get up multiple times per night to check on the soldiers. They were being fed very little food and just enough water. The mental and emotional toll on the nurses would have been huge as these nurses were faced with caring for soldiers with terrible injuries and saw so much death, they would have also been worried about their families as their brothers or dads might have been serving. Despite this, none of them were forced to be there, and this proves how extraordinary these women were. With few records of the nurses' names or their personal lives and stories, it is hard to tell who those heroes are, but their selflessness should forever be remembered for generations to come.

Clara was a highly experienced and dedicated nurse. She was an amazing and compassionate woman who saved hundreds of lives and deserves to be recognised for her work. But Clara wasn't the only woman who sacrificed everything, there would have been many more who also deserve recognition and, like Clara, even 106 years later, they still deserve that recognition. The absence of nurses on war monuments further proves how underappreciated they were and continue to be. They made immense sacrifices and suffered horrible living conditions, and the lack of recognition on war monuments is just salt in the wounds for nurses.

This ANZAC Day we should remember and commemorate everyone who served regardless of their role, rank or gender.

Written by Eden Huddy

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