Dear Parents and Guardians,

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Congratulations to all students on the way they have commenced Term 2, for 2024. There has been much to celebrate with Aspire9 Camps, Interschool Sport, House Cross Country, the Liverpool Football Club International Academy launch, and many other activities.


This past week has seen much action on all the Year 7-9 Campuses with the launch of our Year 9, Aspire9 Focus Weeks. This has seen Mornington Year 9 students join together within their House Community groups with Year 9 students from both the Rosebud and Tyabb Campuses.

Outdoor Camps

The four-day Outdoor Education program provides students with a choice of four camps with varying degrees of personal challenges. These include the Howqua Challenge (incorporating horse riding and mountain bike riding), Murray Canoe, and Murray Rafting.

City Camp

A three-day 'camp' in Melbourne City where students develop their teamwork and navigation skills around the city with group investigations.

    Having been previously on the City Camp, I can attest to the wonderful opportunities for growth and personal development. Students benefit from visits to The Shrine, the State Library, The Big Issue Head Office – with a focus on the issue of homelessness, and an Indigenous History Tour along the Yarra River.

    This week our Year 9 students were treated to an afternoon with Chartered Accountants ANZ looking at the variety of career options possible with an accounting qualification. Students had their eyes opened to a range of possibilities as they heard from a Cyber Defender, a Business Trailblazer and a Financial Investigator

    This is an important opportunity for students from across all three Year 7-9 Campuses to spend time together ahead of Year 10, when they come together as a single cohort on the Senior Campus in 2025.

    Cross Country

    Congratulations to Chisholm House and Mrs Anne Marie Furness as victorious House Coo-rdinator taking out the 2023 House Cross Country. Well done also to Sebastian House coming in second and Assisi House for third. Thank you again to Mr Morgan, Ms Debnam and Mr Luppino for arranging the day. Photos below.

    Hands Off

    Students are reminded that although we encourage active play at recess and lunchtime all games, including football, must remain 'hands off', no tackling is allowed. Students who can not play by these rules will find themselves in time-out during recess and lunchtime until the lesson is learned.

    Wishing you all continued blessings,

    Stephen Veneris
    Deputy Principal
    Head of 7-9 Campus, Mornington

    Resilient Youth

    On April 23 Tuesday, we had three fun guest speakers to talk to us Peer Mentors, Leaders and House Captains. Maurice, Scott and Shelly, from Resilient Youth played and taught us many fun games that require us all to think strategically, to collaborate, to engage with others we haven’t met or don’t know that well, to problem solve, communicate and to try our hardest. I can admit, some of these games felt rather embarrassing and at first, we were probably not too eager to participate. It probably looked a bit silly to other students in class watching us, but we all learned that there’s a method to the madness: learn to have fun even if you look silly!

    The games were very engaging and ranged from easy to difficult. There were games such as moonball, where you have to keep the ball up in the air and not catch it or let it touch the ground. One of the highlights was a game where everyone walked around with a card on their head not knowing what card it was. You would want a King or a Queen, or possibly a Jack. There were no Jokers or Aces in the deck. Everyone would walk around with a card on their head, not talking, and trying to silently engage with people around them who had a higher card. In the end, everyone found out about their card. You could tell if you had a good or bad card based on if people tried to talk to you or their facial expressions. The moral of this game was, as said by Scott: When you walk around school, treat people like they’ve got a King or a Queen on their head.

    The games all helped us learn something new, and to be bigger and better leaders. The games lasted for the first four periods of the day, then in the fifth and final period, we split up into our House groups and wrote a list of activities that we will do with our Houses, and the equipment needed. This was enjoyable because we all had some input, and we organised it ourselves. To top it all off, we sat down and closed our eyes, then put up thumbs up if we learned something or liked the activities, in the middle if it was okay, and thumbs down if we did not learn nor enjoy anything. To our teachers' surprise, not many people had their thumbs down. Mission accomplished! It was great for building our skills, and will definitely support us in the future when getting a job. Thank you to Maurice, Scott and Shelly for the wonderful experience!

    Sofia Sinopoli, Year 9 Mannix

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