Clough Julie



Careers Week

Careers Week is coming up at our Mornington Campus.

What is Careers Week?
It’s about helping students explore a range of different careers.

When is it?
Monday 13 May to Friday 17 May.

What’s happening?
The Careers Team has planned a range of guest lectures as follows:

  • A day in the life of an engineer – Monday 13 May
  • A day in the life of a physiotherapist – Tuesday14 May
  • So you want to be an entrepreneur? – Wednesday 15 May
  • A day in the life of a lawyer – Thursday 16 May
  • A day in the life of a Navy officer – Friday 17 May

*All guest lectures will run at lunchtime (starting 1:25pm sharp) in the Whyte Building lecture theatre and will be targeted at students in Years 10-12.

Other Careers Week Activities
There will be a range of interactive activities for all students to participate in as follows:

  • Virtual reality headsets to experience different careers – lunchtime every day in the Ursula Frayne Centre.
  • VET taster activities – lunchtime Wednesday 15 May outside the Whyte Building main entrance.
  • MAS Tradie Trailer – learn about the tools, and about trades and apprenticeships – lunchtime Friday 17 May outside the Whyte Building (at the back exit of building).
  • Homeroom activities throughout the week.

For further information, please see the promotional posters in the Whyte Building or visit the Careers Office.

RMIT Folio Presentation

We were lucky enough to have RMIT come out to the school on Tuesday 23 April to speak with all students completing a folio subject and to give them information about the requirements and selection tasks that would need to be completed if applying for a university subject that has a folio presentation as a selection task.

We had over 50 students receive some insightful information as well as some great tips to make each student's folio stand out from the others.

We can’t thank the Design team at RMIT enough.

NDIS Information Night

This informative evening was held 23 April and featured presentations and discussions led by experts in the field, covering topics such as:

  1. Overview of the NDIS
  2. Understanding eligibility Criteria and application process.
  3. How the NDIS can support students within our school environment with programs like SLES.

The Brotherhood of St Lawerence, Uniting, JobCo, APM as well as “The funky Farm” attended the evening and chatted about the services they offer.

This event presented a valuable opportunity for all to enhance their understanding of NDIS and explore how we can better support our students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Please contact the school if you would like to receive any further information on these topics.

YEAR 9 Career Conversations – Term 2 Focus

These are currently underway at all of our campuses where all Year 9 students are encouraged to book a time to speak to one of our career’s practitioners regarding Year 10 subject selection as well as career pathways.

Save the Date

The 2024 Padua College Education, Careers & Training (ECaT) Expo will be held on Wednesday 26th June, 5-7pm for Years 9-12. The Expo gives students and parents the opportunity to speak to tertiary providers and employment orgnaisations, as well as explore subject offerings and pathways in the senior school (including VCE, Vocational Major, and VET).

Padua College

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